1.Historically gcj has taken a "radically traditional" approach of treating Java as if it were a somewhat unusual dialect of C++.
2.The traditional approach of trying to minimize construction costs, by contrast, can lead to higher energy bills and wasted materials.
3.A traditional approach would be to use a web mapping solution like the commercial ESRI ArcIMS or the open source MapServer tool.
4.Fujifilm stressed that all the products, the heshan treatment, a chemical used in a more traditional approach to reduce by 75%.
5.In comparison to a MIP prepared via a more "traditional" approach, the new polymeric receptors exhibit reduced nonspecific binding.
6.Glen Edwards from Art Center, also with a traditional approach, guided Eric in a loose, impressionistic style.
7.The traditional approach is to throw bags filled with sand or rocks into a breach.
8.Glocalization is a combination of "globalization" and "localization" and is the traditional approach adopted by multinationals.
9.The traditional approach to dealing with complex problems is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems.
10.Grant preferred a traditional approach in relation to military tactics, with a particular interest in siege warfare.